Dental Emergencies That May Require a Root Canal

No one wants to have dental emergencies, but it is nice to know that help is available. If you have a situation that calls for urgent treatment, your dentist might recommend a root canal. You should not let this scare you. Root canal procedures can be effective at relieving pain and restoring your health. As you understand how root canals work and when they are needed, you can feel more at ease and comfortable at the dentist’s office.

How a root canal procedure works

Of all the dental processes, root canals are among those that cause the most anxiety. However, there is little pain and discomfort during or after the procedure. To perform one, the dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb the affected area. Once the patient is comfortable, the dentist will drill into the tooth until reaching the pulp. This chamber houses vessels, nerves, and tissue. The dentist removes the pulp and cleans out the tooth, ridding it of any decay or infections.

Once this is done, the dentist may use an antiseptic to disinfect the tooth. The dentist then seals the tooth. This prevents further decay or bacteria from entering. In many dental emergencies, the dentist will cap the tooth with a dental crown.

Broken tooth

Some dental emergencies are visible to the eye and are readily noticeable. This includes tooth damage such as fractures. A fracture is not necessarily only a cosmetic problem. Some broken teeth require treatment in addition to a crown or veneer. When the fracture has allowed decay to enter, the dentist must first do a root canal to clean it out. This will help to ensure that there is not any further damage to the natural tooth after the crown or veneer is placed.

For severe decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common issues that dentists treat. When it comes to dental emergencies, some people may not think this condition qualifies. However, when the decay is so profound that it has caused large holes in the tooth and that is getting larger, a root canal may be necessary. A filling may not be enough to repair the damage.

Abscessed tooth

When a tooth has an abscess, it is infected. This can be even more serious than severe decay. In fact, in some situations, the infection can spread to other parts of the mouth and even throughout the body. Untreated, the infection can reach the bloodstream and travel to the heart. Only a root canal can properly treat this condition and remove the abscess.

Intense pain

Some dental emergencies make it difficult to function. If a person cannot fulfill routine duties because tooth pain is too significant, a root canal can solve the problem. The dentist will first take X-rays and do an examination to find the source of the pain. Removing the pulp and the nerves there can provide the relief the person needs.

Help is available for dental emergencies

For the most urgent dental problems, a root canal is one of the most common treatments. If you are experiencing any of these issues, talk to your dentist. If you are nervous about having a root canal, your dentist can explain the process and help you feel calm. You can overcome even the most challenging oral health conditions.

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